2008년 4월 1일 화요일

Q4: What do you think of the results after English teacher's studying abroad?

Sometimes, I think of studying abroad.
But I am afraid of the results.
After studying abroad for 1 year, Can I promote myself?
Can I speak English naturally without any difficulties in class?
Comparing to studying in Korea, which is more helpful to me?
I was curious about thoes things.
You might know those who studied abroad among English teachers.
Can you tell me some tips for me?

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Hi... Judy!

I'm the first one who leave a comment. It's awesome!!

In my opinion, I bet you can be promoted after studying abroad for a year. I'm not sure if you can speak in English fluently in your class; Fluency is kind of complicated one to achieve, you can surely develop more than as you are. Especially, you already had background knowlege about English itselt. I also know you're good enough at Engish skills. That's why you can learn more if you have some chances to study Engish abroad. I know some teachers who studied abroad. Before going abroad, they were still good. But after that, they seemed to get kind of confidence to use English.
Judy, keep your chin up!!! You're a so good English teacher, I believe.

Lucy :

Hey, Judy!

When I came here in KNUE, I wanted to flee to my home again. Everything was so akward, especially speaking English all the time, that I was not sure I would fit in here or not. However, one month has passed away, and we have only 5 months. I want to stay here longer to improve my English. What I'd really like to say is environment is a critical factor in learnig English. In that sense, it's an excellent idea to plan to study abroad. I wish I could go to English speaking country, too.
Keep your head up to the sky, Judy. I believe you can do it.